The Green Clean Institute certification is a well-known national and international third-party certification organization. For more than 25 years, the Green Clean Institute has been promoting and training the most respected Green cleaning certification for the best cleaning or maintenance services. GCI does not sell products or offer a {Pay to Play) certification. Every GCI Green Cleaning service must earn its standing as a GCI certified service.
Currently, a Green building certification is either very expensive and difficult to earn so that only a few buildings in any city of thousands of buildings or inferior Green building certification that has flimsy qualifications as long as the fee is paid. What is desperately needed is a truly fair and honest process to allow ANY BUILDING to eventually earn enough points to be considered a Green building.
In turn, as more an more area buildings achieve their Green & Healthy Building Partnership (GHBP); it is possible for a city or community to actively promote a program that is backed by the highly-respected Green Clean Institute. The best part of the GHBP program is its simplicity and power to allow broad participation without huge costs or high-paid consultants.
The GHBP program uses the on-site services of the cleaning/maintenance service to install and validate the most important Green and Sustainable the achievement via the GHBP checklist.