Not all buildings are built as Green or efficient. New buildings can include the latest designs and energy-saving features. The cost to renovate older buildings can be prohibitive and interrupt business for months and years. So, we asked the question, "What can any building do to improve the Green and Healthy aspect of new or older buildings by simply transitioning existing factors within the building?"
Transitioning to safer, healthier, and Greener operations can be: pest control, recycling trash, and cleaning services. Could Greening a Building be accomplished in intermediate stages? Like many lifestyle processes, Green and Healthy practices are not only progressive but they are part of the ongoing efforts.
The Green Clean Institute is pleased to recognize the City Hall of Worcester MA as a "GCI Green Cleaned Building". The award is earned by training and certifying the cleaning staff, improving the cleaning program to key Green cleaning protocols, and a review of the program by the Green Clean Institute. Best Pro Cleaning is the GCI Green Clean certified firm that provides the Green cleaning for this impressive building.
The Greening process need not end with the cleaning program. Businesses are encouraged to look at other aspects of the operation, maintenance, purchases, recycling, and energy use. Environmental safety, healthy workplaces, and maintenance are ongoing requirements that can transition to better and Greener options. The Green Clean Institute offers an advisory resource for building management to contact.